Advantages of Toilet Training Your Cat

There are tons of advantages to toilet training your cat and in this blog I am going to describe just a few of the ways cat toilet training can improve your life.  

First of all you are going to eliminate that musky smell of kitty liter mixed with ammonia that is always so much a part of being a cat owner. No longer will you suffer this stench as urine builds up in clumps in your litter box.   You will also not be subjected to the smell of feces.  The other good thing about getting your cat to use the toilet is that most bathrooms are ventilated with fans.   This helps eliminate any odor caused by a cat. Most cat litter boxes really smell simply because they are always located in places where there is little air such as behind doors or under staircases.  

No more lugging around heavy bags of kitty litter from the grocery store. Your arms will thank you.   It will also eliminate the absurdity in life for paying absolutely good money for what are essentially designer brands of dirt (Multi-cat, with baking soda, flushing, clumping, anti-bacterial etc.) Everything simply gets flushed away instead.  

You can also stop spending money on baking soda, deodorizers and candles as there will be no more kitty litter box odor to disguise.   The odor will also be less noticeable on your clothing.  Another bonus is that you won’t be vacuuming up all that cat litter that gets tracked all over the house once your cat is done using the box. Sometimes you just don’t feel like cuddling your cat if it smells too much like the litter box.

Another problem that is eliminated is that kitty litter that gets caught between your cat’s toes and then is tracked all over you bed, linen and pillows at nap time.  If you go away for a weekend you no longer have to get someone to enter your litter box for you although they might want to visit to flush the toilet.  There will also be more cash in your pocket as the need diminishes to spend money on things like big plastic trays, hoods for kitty litter boxes, automatic litter cleaning devices and all of the other things one needs to maintain a clean litter box.

No more spending money on cleaners to wipe up spills or get ground in kitty litter out of your carpet.  You also keep the environment in general more hygienic. This is especially important if you have a pregnant mother, a new baby or toddlers in the house (who may try to play with cat feces.) If the feces are flushed away there is nothing for vulnerable individuals to be concerned about.  Another perk is it makes your cat look really smart. In fact, toilet training is one of the better cat tricks that you can teach your feline and she will look very clever if one of your guests catch her in the act.

Making a Cat Toilet From Plastic Wrap

You have probably seen those commercial cat toilets in pet stores and realized by now that they can go for a pretty penny, in some cases as much as forty bucks for some cardboard cutouts or what essentially is just a plastic bowl with a hole cut in the bottom.   The good news is that there are cheaper options for making cat toilets.  

If you really want to make a cat toilet on a budget then try the plastic wrap method. However keep in mind that this method best suits a cat that is lighter in weight and also light on its feet as the plastic can easily be ripped. The method suits kittens best of all but make sure it is a smart kitten you are training as some cats cannot relate to the idea of ,see-through, plastic at all. They simply end up falling in the toilet all the time instead.  

To make a plastic wrap cat toilet all you have to do is stretch plastic cross your toilet seat and secure it with clips or duct tape.   You can put the lid of the seat down to make it more secure or you can stretch it across the actual plastic seat lid. It depends on how big your cat is. Once you have fitted the plastic sheet on top of the bowl somehow you then sprinkle litter is on top. This gives the cat the idea that the top of the toilet is where they are supposed to squat and eliminate.  

Of course the main risk of this method is that the cat will rip the plastic with claws and fall into the toilet, be drowned or be smothered by the loose plastic. This is why you should assess the danger, especially if you have a kitten even though the method is actually most recommended for kittens.   The reason is that it the plastic is supposed to be less intimidating for the smaller animal because they can see into the toilet. Still if you were using this method with a kitten I would keep an eye on it while it is learning.  With all of the above methods it is absolutely necessary that you use flushable litter. This makes the training easier for you as you can empty the plastic sheet straight into the toilet and flush it away.   It also makes for a quicker clean up. Also you will have no problems with litter that falls through the holes in the plastic, into the toilet. You can just “flush” that away as well.  

A word of warning though , your probably don’t want to flush the plastic that you used for the litter ,tray, down the toilet as that will probably clog your pipes.  It is also essential that you use genuine flushable litter and not clumping litter. Clumping litter is especially not because it can clog up your pipes. Make sure that the label on the kitty litter box specifically says ,Flushable Litter, and not anything else.