Protecting Your Dog From Theft

Dogs are stolen for a variety of reasons and most of them are guaranteed to break your heart. Some are resold to use a breeding stock to puppy mills and professional breeders. Chihuahuas are often sold as “bait” in fighting arenas. Others are sold to labs for experiments and research. The most unfortunate simply end up in hands of sadists who just want to torture and kill animals.

Unfortunately very few of the hundreds of thousands of dogs that go missing every year are returned to their owners. You can increase your chances of having your Chihuahua returned to you by employing the following methods.

Veterinarians, individual tattoo artists and companies specialize in tattooing animals with an identification number. Usually after the tattoo is placed, the identification number is registered with a service such as the National Dog Service. This may make it easier for him to be found. Different tattoo artists are associated with different registries so be sure to inquire first about which registry you will need to contact in order to complete the process.

Before entrusting your pup to the care a boarding or training kennel, thoroughly check out the reputation and references of the company. Avoid any establishment that has a history of missing dogs or runaway dogs. Make sure that they agree to show you the body if your puppy passes while you are gone. This way your pet’s death cannot be faked so it can be resold.

Don’t get your dog’s ear tattooed. You are better off to have the inside of his thigh tattooed as thieves have been known to sever a dog’s ears off to prevent it from being identified.

Microchipping is usually done at the vet. Otherwise, a vet can refer you to a microchipping service. A microchip is inserted under your dog’s skin, typically at the back of the neck or behind the ear. If you dog is lost and then found, then a scanner is used to read the read the information embedded in the microchip.

If your chihuahua disappears and is found, a special scanner can read the information on the microchip, and your dog can be traced to you. Again, call your vet for referrals in your area for Microchipping services.

Keep an eye on your dog a and be aware of his whereabouts at all times. Don’t leave him unattended outside in your yard, even for a few minutes. If you live in California he could be stolen by a coyote! Never leave him outside when you are not at home. Lock him in the house along with the rest of your valuable possessions.

Keep an eye on your chihuahua and be aware of his whereabouts at all times. Don’t leave him unattended outside in your yard, even for a few minutes. If you live in California he could be stolen by a coyote! Never leave him outside when you are not at home. Lock him in the house along with the rest of your valuable possessions.

Adopting a Feline From a Rescue Organization

Cat rescue organizations work in the same way that dog rescue organizations do. They find homes for kittens and adult cats  that can no longer remain with their families because of illness, divorce, relocation or other reasons. These organizations also adopt purebred kittens from animal shelters, rescue kittens from kitten mills and take in orphans.  

If you like a certain breed of kitten a rescue organization can be a wonderful place to find a pedigree pet at a reasonable cost. Some rescue organizations specialize in looking after certain types of breeds and others generalize by saving all the cats that they can’t. Some rescue organization consists only of a couple of do-gooders and others are made up of big finicky committees of breed lovers who are dedicated to finding a home for a specific kind of cat.  

A rescue organization is that it can often find you exactly the breed you want.   Yet another perk is that rescue organizations are exemplary when it comes to following up on the health and well being of the adopted pet.     By the way if you have to give up a pet and it is of a certain breed, a rescue group devoted to that breed is likely to take better care of your pet than a shelter. Rescue groups also shine when it comes to providing new kitty parents with information about the breed they are trying to rescue.  

Sadly, not all pet rescue organizations are completely ethical. Make sure that when you are dealing with any pet rescue organization, whether to adopt, donate, or give up your pet, that it is legitimate. For the sake of your animal, please take the time to investigate the organization fully. Don’t be afraid to ask them about their mission statement and  references from individuals who have adopted or given up their pets for adoption at the facility.

Ask for a reference from a veterinarian and be sure to follow through and contact the vet.    There are people who represent themselves as “rescue”, when actually, they’re just in the market for free pedigreed kittens to breed or sell. Too many well-meaning individuals give up their pets to these so-called rescue organizations only to find out that they have really given up their valuable pedigreed cat to a cruel, greedy broker.

If you’re surrendering your pet to a rescue organization, ask about their adoption policy. Ask to see their adoption application and contract. You should report them immediately to the police if they have no application, no adoption contract or won’t allow you to visit the inside of their kennel.  

You should also be suspicious if they charge too much to adopt. What do they have to make a profit for if they are a charitable organization? The good pet rescue organizations charge a lower, rather than a higher adoption fee. If the adoption fee is more than $100 it is likely that that the organization is selling the cats for profit rather than trying to place them in new homes.