Getting Your Dog Vaccinated

Part of being a responsible pet owner is to make sure you can afford the pet’s vaccinations as well as be attentive to the schedule for shots. If you ignore this, then you are putting your dog’s life at risk.

As discussed in earlier chapters, the idea age to socialize your dog with other animals is between three and twelve weeks. It is also at this time that you want to introduce your dog to as many new experiences and people as possible. Unfortunately introducing your puppy to the world also puts him at risk of virus, infection and disease. This is why it is absolutely crucial that you keep the Chihuahua puppy’s vaccinations up to date.

You must avoid accidentally introducing your puppy to animals that may have not been vaccinated. Many irresponsible pet owners casually lie about the state of their pet’s vaccinations because they are too embarrassed to admit that they don’t want to go to the time trouble and expense. By vaccinating your dog you prevent him from coming into contact with dogs and cats that have not been inoculated and that carry highly contagious and often fatal diseases.

Ideally, your Chihuahua puppy should start receiving vaccinations at about 8 weeks of age and continuing receiving them until he or she is 16 weeks old. The vaccinations should include Distemper, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza, Leptospirosis, Rabies and Hepatitis.

Most veterinarians recommend getting five shot at once at periodic times. However other vets believe this is too hard on a tiny pet’s system and recommend that your pet be brought in several times to receive each inoculation separately.

All rabies vaccines, regardless of age first given, are followed by a second vaccination a year later, plus booster shots every three years.

Of course before starting any type of vaccination schedule you should consult with the breeder first (to see what shots the puppy has already had) and the veterinarian second (to see what shots the puppy will need on what dates.)

Below is a rough guideline that indicates the timing of vaccinations.

Vaccination Schedule

6 weeks

Have a thorough exam for overall health.
Vaccinate for Distemper, Parainfluenza and Hepatitis , no Parvo.

7-1/2 weeks

Vaccinate for Parvo only (killed vaccine.)

10 weeks

Second Parvo vaccination (killed vaccine.)

12 weeks

Thorough exam.
Vaccinate for Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza and Leptospirosis.