The Staffordshire Temperament

Of all the dog breeds the Staffordshire has a very misunderstood temperament. The classical traits of the dog are loyalty, affection and friendliness. They are considered to be a good all around choice for a family dog, particularly because they are so good with children.  

The Staffy is a very bold dog that is known for its agility and courage. It also has quick reflexes, which allow it move swiftly. This is because its ancestors were bred as fighting dogs.   Unfortunately this is what has led people to misinterpret this breed as being a violent breed or an alpha breed.

 The media and other informed sources sometimes raise issues about a Staffy because it looks like a pit bull terrier or because of its ancestry as a fighting dog. There is one issue to keep clear here ,Staffordshire Terriers are not any more likely to become aggressive or ,alpha, dogs than any other dog breed.  However, like people some Staffy are protective while others are shy.

Like people they can have different personality types.   Like other individual dogs, some Taffies do develop behavioral problems such as aggression, territorialism and jealousy.   These less social Taffies are usually reserved with strangers.  Be sure to socialize your Stuffy as a pup to avoid excessive aggressiveness with other dogs and strangers.   Staffords generally recognize their own breed, but sometimes act hostile to other breeds.   They are naturally territorial and think of the household as being their personal domain.  

However, a “very” well-socialized Staffordshire can be friendly with strangers and other dogs. For some, they may be slightly difficult to train, but they are intelligent, learn quickly, and respond well to proper, gentle (positive reinforcement) training.  Staffies are superb watchdogs. When strangers are present, it follows its owner’s every move, keeping as close to his or her heels as possible. However some high-strung Staffordshire terriers may express their initiation by practicing submissive urination, biting, mouthing and obsessive barking when strangers are around.  

The Staffy needs a great deal of human contact: touching, petting, and attention. If the Staffy puppy does not get this, she or he will use various attention-getting tricks until you give in. Sometimes this is defiant behavior such as chewing upholstery  Like people, some Staffies can also be very “high-strung., A high-strung dog can be defined as one that barks easily, do not adapt easily to change in environment and growls at strangers.  Perhaps one of the most frustrating things about owning a Staffordshire can be their tendency to display their worst characteristics just as you are trying to convince someone that he or she is actually a very lovable creature.

 Staffordshires are fantastic with children. They are protective but not over protective. However like any animal they do not like to be teased too much.  If you socialize your Staffy at an early age, they will be less stressed when new environments and people are introduced to them in adulthood. Proper socialization is critical, then, and at the earliest age possible.

Why Dogs From Brokers Are Hard To Train

Brokers are considered to be the least reliable source of dog breeds simply because they make a profit by ,selling you the dog., Often you often just trust the word of the broker who of course makes a profit if he can persuade you to buy. If you buy a dog through a broker you often don’t have a chance to view it or the circumstances in which it has been born and bred. This makes it pretty easy for you to be sold an animal that has been abused, is malnourished or that has a birth defect due to being inbred.  

Many so called alpha-dogs are aggressive because they have been inbred.  

Usually these dog breed brokers are found selling online or selling in the classifieds sections of the newspaper. Some are scrupulous and respectable and others treat animals like livestock that is fed as cheaply as possible and the shipped to a customers.

As in any business there are good brokers and bad brokers but to stay in the business many brokers sometimes have to resort to less than ethical practices just to make a living.  The drawback of buying a puppy from a broker is that you are usually unable to talk to the breeder or human foster parents beforehand. In other words, this puppy could come from anywhere.

Many new owners of puppies bought from brokers have no idea of the puppy’s temperament or appearance until it is delivered to them either by air or car.  If you don’t have the opportunity to check out the breeder, then you are not a well-informed buyer.   It is amazing however, how well you can be swayed into purchasing a puppy by looking at a photograph that resembles the puppy that the broker is trying to seller by being emailed claims about a puppy’s temperament or pedigree that you would like to believe are true.  Brokers get their puppies from several sources, including commercial breeders that may or may not be licensed by the Department of Agriculture or similar regulatory bodies. Keep in mind that in many countries private breeders are not required to be licensed.  It just simply , a very corrupt business.  Period.  Sometimes puppy brokers buy litters (or get for them for free) for unsuspecting people who advertise their own litter for sale or adoption in local newspapers.   They then pass off these dogs as purebred for a higher price to you.  If you are making a lifetime commitment to a puppy, then he or she is worth a trip to visit in person. Surely a pet that may be with you sixteen years or is worth more than the convenience of being ordered up over the phone like a pizza.  

Also visiting the pet in person gives you an idea in general if it will be easy to train and how socialized it is. You can get an idea of the dog’s personality and hear personal stories from the breeder about the dog, its history and the history of its parents.