Friendly Cat Breeds

 Some cat breeds are friendlier than others. The friendliest breeds tend to be the ones that have a fatter body shape. If the cat is shaped like a loaf of bred it will probably very laid back and affectionate. If it is long and lean and agile it may not be as interested in bonding with you.   Breeders have also noticed that the cats with the most sociable personalities tend to be the purebreds.  The stockier and lower set the body of the cat is the more likely it is to be friendly.

The friendliest cat of all, according to Cat Fancier Association is the Persian, which loves to be patted. Other friendly cat breeds include the British Shorthair, Exotic short hair and the Sacred Cat of Burma. If the cat’s belly looks like it could graze the ground when it walks then it is likely to be very friendly and that is certainly true of a cat like a Burmese (sometimes spelled Birmese). It is also likely to be a bit lazier than the leaner scrawnier looking breeds.

 In general, the slimmer the cat the more demanding and vocal it is. A good example of this is the Siamese cat, which is intelligent, high-strung and very chatty.   Some people find that they can be too vocal and develop a voice that sounds like constant whining or complaining. Breeds that also have this tendency which some people find cute and others find annoying are the Abyssinian and the Balinese.   These breeds are very people friendly even though they don’t really fit into the fat and cuddly body shape category.  

One cue as to how  a new kitten  might behave as a pet  is to look at the cat’s body type.   If it is lithe and muscular it will be an extrovert. If it is short and stocky it will be more laid back like a Persian cat.  According to the Cat Fancier’s Association, the Maine Coon is a fairly friendly cat. They are also better with children than most cats.

Another good choice is the Oriental cat. It looks like a Siamese but it has a coat of many colors. It is also a playful cat that seems to chat a lot with its owner.      American Short Hairs are also high on the list of the Cat Fancier Associations friendliest cats.  A unique choice is a Scottish Fold. This is a very mellow and affectionate cat t hat is known for strangely folded ears.  

Burmese are short stocky sturdy little cats that are usually grayish blue or coal black. It is prized for it’s playful, affectionate nature.  Other popular breeds include the wavy-haired Cornish Rex, The Tonkinese, (a hybrid) of the Burmese and the Siamese and The Bengal (which is an Asian cat crossed with a leopard. These are more exotic breeds that have been bred specifically to get along the best with humans. However they tend to be harder to find and more expensive.  

How To Kitten Proof Your Home

Have you just got a new little kitten? If so you have to be as attentive to them as you would be a toddler. They are curious and always getting into everything.  

Some people make the mistake of thinking that kittens have all of these natural instincts that protect them from danger. This is definitely not true. They are as out of it as human toddlers. They will eat the wrong food, chew on the wrong plant and misjudge distances.

Like all kids, kittens are on a learning curve and they do need to be protected from danger in their immediate environment for at least the first seven months of life.  Here are some ways that you can kitten proof your home so that it is safe for the little critter.  

Check your dryer drum before you to turn it on. Kittens love warm areas and they like to sleep inside dryers.   They could be killed if they are trapped in a dryer.  

Get rid of toxic house plants. A young cat does not necessarily instinctively know which plants are bad for it and which ones are good. The safest thing to do when you have a new kitten is to just get rid of your houseplants.   Use fake flowers or plants instead but be careful there are no small plastic parts on the articial flower that the kitten can pull off and choke on.  

Remove rocking chairs. These are very easy for a kitten to get trapped under.  Keep your kitty out of the garage (especially in the winter.) Kittens are attracted to the taste o poisonous antifreeze.  

Wrap up electrical cords into bundles. The texture of an electrical cord is attractive to teething kittens. Of course chewing on an electrical cord can also cause elrotcution. When purchasing appliances look for ones that have cord retractor or ones where the wires are concealed. This is also good if you have human toddlers tripping around the house. If this is not possible then wrap the cords in heavy plastic tape.  Don’t let cords from window blinds dangle. Tie them up as kittens can get caught in the loops and hang themselves accidentally.  

Don’t leave plastic bags with handles lying around as kittens like the crackling sound they make. However the handles are a real strangulation hazard! Also never leave something like a plastic drycleaning bag around as they could suffocate.  

Keep your windows closed in a way that a kitten can’t slip out the window and fall out. Make sure the window screens fit in there securely.  

Take all big cushions off of the couch. When they are little kittens like to crawl under these big pillows and have a nap. The danger is that they could be sat on and crushed.  Protect your kitten from people who are mentally ill, moody or who have addictions. Pets, especially cats, can be the targets of anger, frustration and other human emotions.  T

he biggest danger to cats is letting them outside. If you live in a rough area know better then to expose a tiny vulnerable kitten to all of the predators (both human and animal) that are out there.