Most dogs tend to fear fire enough to avoid it but sometimes they touch something hot inadvertently or singe themselves by brushing too close to a fire. They can also scald themselves by knocking over a hot beverage or suffer burns as a result of electric shock. They can also suffer from chemical burns or burns from toxic cleaners or chemicals. They also get sunburned when they loll around in the sun for too long. Even a dog’s nose can be sunburned on a day when the UV rays from the sun are too high in intensity. Here are the emergency treatments for various types of burns.
Heat burns
This can be the result of exposure to the sun, fire or scalding. \
1. Do not apply butter, grease or any ointment to the burned area.
2. Soak a cloth in cold water and hold it gently in place over the burned area
3. Send for the vet if the burn seems serious. A superficial burn is painful, reddens the skin and singes the hair, but the latter will not pull out easily. A serious burn is actually less painful because the nerves have been destroyed. The skin may be white, black or brown, and the hair will either be gone completely or will pull out easily. Do not allow the pet to lick the burn.
4. Keep the burn covered with a wet dressing covered with thick dry towels. Make the dog lie down, restrained in warm blankets. The vet may have your dog wear a plastic collar to help prevent it from licking the wound later
5. Give fluid as for dehydration, unless the dog is vomiting. If the dog is dizzy then it needs to go immediately to the vet.
6. Keep your pet warm and get him to a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Chemical burns
1. Wash burned area with lots of plain water, especially if the chemical burns is around the face. Avoid spreading the chemical to the eyes or mouth.
2. If the burn is the result of acid, rinse with solution of 1-teaspoon bicarbonate of soda to one liter of water. If alkali, use plain water only.
3. Apply soothing ointment.
4. You should, of course get the dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible who will know how to exactly treat the specific type of chemical burn that your dog has. Be sure to bring the bottle with you so the vet knows exactly how to respond to the injury.
This should go without saying but never leave a pet that has been burned to ,heal., Mother Nature will not just take care of it. Get your animal the help it needs and take it to the vet immediately. Most of all use common sense. For instance, do not try to give fluids to an animal that is unconscious.