Special Care for Chi Chis

One of the chihuahua’s most pronounced physical characteristics is its tendency to shiver. Mostly they shiver because they are cold. A Chihuahua is not the kind of pet that should be left out in the backyard old day. It is susceptible to the cold and appreciates being outfitted in a sweater on cooler days.

You should be sensitive to the fact that shorthaired Chihuahuas, and even longhaired ones, are vulnerable to the cold. It is recommended that you put a dog sweater on your chi

In temperatures below 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit. Also watch the wind chill factor as that can cause their eyes to excessively create tears and their ears to ache painfully.

Chihuahuas also shiver when they are wary, excited, unhappy, or frightened. This is the result of having a high metabolism, and is a normal characteristic of this breed.

As a Chihuahua has a short nose it tends to make wheezing and snoring sounds while he sleeps. These sounds are accentuated when the animal burrows under the covers to keep himself warm.

Chihuahuas also have very prominent eyes with a large surface. They are susceptible to corneal dryness and infection. Check your pup’s eyes daily to make sure nothing has gotten under the lid or that he is not tearing because of a foreign object. A Chihuahua’s eyes tear a lot anyway so it can be hard to tell if the cause is an infection.

The breed in general is prone to gum problems, colds, stress, and rheumatism.

Chihuahuas are also prone to obesity, as a result of eating people food and a sedentary lifestyle as a lap dog. Make sure that he or she gets plenty of exercise and is fed a light diet.

Chihuahua puppies are born with large heads, frequently necessitating cesarean deliveries by a skilled veterinarian. They are extremely vulnerable to fractures and other accidents in puppy hood.

Some of the breed can be born with a molera, an unclosed section of the skull which can remain open throughout life. If your dog still has a molera after it is two years old, be very careful. This makes the dog prone to injury.

Chihuahuas love to burrow. It is a characteristic of the Chihuahua to prefer to sleep under a cloth or blanket. They will even get under pillows in order to feel snug so check underneath them before you lie down. Chihuahuas will do this even if they don’t feel particularly cold.

They also love to lick people’s faces. Chihuahua’s are some of the most prolific lickers in the dog world. It is how they express affection.

Chihuahuas also like to bask in the sun for hours. . Unfortunately, they don’t seem to have a very good idea of when they are overheating. Watch your Chihuahua in hot weather to be sure that they don’t suffer from heat stroke as they don’t seem to know when it is time to get out of the sun.

Medical Conditions That Cause Piddling

If your dog or cat is going outside the box or in your home he or she may be giving you a cry for help. Here is a list of medical conditions that can cause this

Bladder Stones

This condition refers to “stones” forming in the urinary tract. The location of such stones is most commonly the urinary bladder, but stones can also form in the kidneys, ureters and urethra. include blood in the urine, straining to urinate, frequent urination, increased thirst, urinating in unusual places or where inappropriate, urinating small volumes of urine, unusual urine odor and sometimes abdominal distention or pain.

This is a disease that can occur in either dogs or cats. It is inflammation of the urinary bladder. Aside from going outside the box or having lots of accidents, the animals void frequently, straining to urinate, pain when urinating, blood in the urine, foul or unusual odor of the urine and sometimes an increased thirst.


Frequent urination and thirst are symptoms of diabetes in both cats and dogs.

Ectopic Uretors

This is a common birth defect occurs in female dogs and cats. The ureters, which bring urine from the kidneys to the bladder, insert into the lower urinary tract in an abnormal position it is called ectopic ureter(s). Clinical signs include a constant urinary incontinence that begins at an early age, often before the cat or dog reaches 6 months of age. Some cats will also urinate normally at times, while others may never exhibit normal urination and have to be put down.

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Syndrome (FUS)

Basically this is a term to describe a syndrome that is particular to cats, which is essentially to urinate outside the litter box. FUS can have many causes including a tumor, herpes virus and congenital bladder defects.

Impacted Anal Glands

This causes vomiting urinating and the vomiting of yellow bile in both cats and dogs. Your vet can gently express the dog or cat’s anal sacs to relieve the pressure.

Kidney Disease

Frequent urination and excessive thirst may indicate that your dog or cat has any one of a number of kidney diseases. One symptom to watch for is urine that is a very pale yellow.

Urinary Incontinence

This occurs in both cats and dogs. Usually it affects older animals. Incontinence would be considered as a loss of some degree of voluntary bladder control. The storage of urine and proper voiding is a complex mechanism involving several muscle and nerve groups. Dysfunction of any part of the system can result in bladder control being lost.

Symptoms include dribbling, lack of awareness of urination. inability to urinate, total voiding when lifted or touched, straining to urinate and some abdominal pain.

Urinary Tract Block

This is a condition unique to male cats. Debris lodges in their uretor and creates a dam until it is impossible for the cat to urinate or for the cat to control their urination habits. Symptoms also include staggering, bloated belly and abdominal pain.